Saturday, 1 November 2014

My Elizabethan and Modern inspiration

This is my contemporary Elizabethan makeup design. I intend to have a white faced base with blocked out eyebrows so that the eyeshadow can reach further than my eye crease. 

I chose this as my Elizabethan portrait because I love the rich colours of red, orange and gold and the harsh black background. The colours are completely representative of the Elizabethan era and signifiers of wealth and power. The red hair of Elizabeth was her stereotypical appearance, and I intended to incorporate this with the orange areas on my design. Moreover, I incorporated the blacks, reds, oranges and golds (as yellow) into my design aswell, as I wanted to keep the colour scheme as Elizabethan as possible. The white face and blocked out eyebrows also allude to the ghostly pale complexion and fair eyebrows of Elizabeth. The shapes and pattern of the look however is more influenced by my modern portrait. 

This is a photo of an editorial for iD magazine featuring Jessica Stam, with the makeup being done by the infamous Pat McGrath. Features that I drew inspiration from include the messy but cleverly placed coloured powder on the face, with blended out edges but harsh central application. I loved the accentuated blusher as it draws Elizabethan inspiration. What I also found Elizabethan about this photo is the white face, red lips and the glimpse of red hair in the top left and right corners. I was able to adapt some application of this design to my design, disregarding the 1980's bold colours and drawing the colour scheme from the portrait of Elizabeth. What I enjoyed about this task was being able to combine old and new to create a hybrid makeup look.
Jones, T., 2005. Fashion Now 2,  Taschen GmbH.

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