Monday 6 October 2014

My Summer Project

This is my mood board that I created over the summer. As you can see I am not the type that likes to clutter the board with pictures, it puts my mind at ease when they are in a neat order and aligned, so your eyes don't have a difficult time choosing where to look. On the left is a wooden skeleton that I glued to the page, which I thought would be a good representation of stripping back to the basics of a human being; that being me in this case. The pink wind-type flows are a representation of the explanation of what is in my mind and the outflow of my ideas and what makes me, me. I put a vast amount of glitter glue and gems on them, and I backed all my photos in glittery card, because, as you may be able to tell, I am fascinated and enthralled by glitter and shimmer. The top 6 photos that I used show what I would like my life to be like when I'm older, behind the career. I would love to be able to travel the world and experience different cultures. As I come from two different cultures already, it is interesting to see how other people live and the stark differences in which we experience everyday life. I have a large family, and would like to continue this, along with a good social life and friends that can experience all the fun things I would like to do in my life with me. The rest of the photos are images that inspire me, what looks particularly make me amazed and people/genres that I would like to work with. I am a real sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast, and so the looks on Katy Perry are fascinating to me. One of my favourite movies is Prometheus, it has a futuristic setting on another planet and features spaceships, aliens and advanced technology. I particularly love the makeup in this movie on the characters that have been mutilated due to being infected, and also the aliens themselves, and so I believe this would be a route that I would like to take in the future. However I depend on this course to show me what area of makeup I wish to pursue.

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