Friday, 31 October 2014

Where have all the surfing cowboys gone?

The connection that I made between the title of this post and the photos are confusion, waiting and playfulness. The girl in question impatiently waits for her surfing cowboys, with a movie-type title sequence brandishing the words 'Surfing Cowboys' behind her that is ironically placed as it hides behind her.

I find that her pose in this particular photo conveys impatient waiting and playfulness and she emulates the abnormal positions one would see a toddler or young child making, and the white of her dress can connect with this as white usually represents purity. I love the colour contrast of the wall and the girl here, but her skin and the letter colour is similar and so connects the two. 

The glow of her white dress in this photo radiates beyond her physical being (most likely a result of sunlight and the camera or editing), but has connotations of angels and spiritual beings. This combined with the fact that she is on her own and looking for the 'surfing cowboys' can lead to a narrative of her being a ghost that does not realise she is no longer a human, and is floating around a supernatural realm where she is in these locations at the same time as those that are alive but neither can see each other, hence why she cannot find her surfing cowboys,

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