Monday 20 October 2014

Face Charts

We were given the task of creating face charts with specific colour schemes, those being achromatic, monochromatic, analogous and complimentary.


My achromatic look consists mostly of blacks and greys, and I created a futuristic, geometric look inspired by tribal patterns and characters such as Spock from Star Trek for the eyebrows. I found this difficult to create because of having to make sure that the shapes and lines are symmetrical and making the lines thin and refined. This would have been difficult to create on the face without extreme concentration and a small, thin, dense brush. 


My complimentary look consists of yellows and purples, as they are opposite each other on the colour wheel. I went for a feline type eye that enables the yellow to be striking as it is surrounded by purple lines and extends out of the end of the eye which makes the eye look elongated. I wanted to dot yellow on the lips because I think that it texturises the look and creates a focus on the lips and not just the eyes.


This look is green ivy inspired- a look that is not conventional but a beauty look due to the fact that it conforms to the eyebrows, eyes and lips look. However these are not conventional colours that would be worn everyday and so is more editorial. I have created an ombre brow where it begins on the inside with a light green colour and ends with a dark green colour. I really liked the look of the dark green eyeshadows in the hollow underneath the inside of the eyebrows extending to the eyes because it creates a harsh, shady image. However to counteract the relatively intense harshness of the dark shadow, I made the eyelashes white. This also reduces the femininity of the look. 


This look consists of pinks and oranges. It is feminine as pink stereotypically connotes, but it more exaggerated than a typical beauty look. I wanted the pink to engulf the face and create a romantic, fairy-type look that is more fantasy than reality. I incorporated the coloured eyelashes again, as I find that this creates a fresh look and enables a continuance of pink rather than having black eyelashes that break the pattern. 

Then I re-created two of the looks on a person, thus discovering that looks that you plan on face charts may look good on paper but not necessarily when you create it in person.

I was not particularly happy with the resulting effect of this look. Firstly, I couldn't find a colour that was suitable and similar to the one that I want so was unable to do this, which I think means that the pink of the lip detracts attention from the purple eye as it is more vibrant. I like the eyeshadow on the inside of the eye, but the dots of yellow on the outside gets rid of the lengthening effect that was created by the yellow and purple lines. However I was pleased with the contouring and highlighting of the cheekbones. If I was to do this again I would keep it as a beauty look and get rid of all the yellow dots and just have eyeshadow.


I was much more satisfied with how this look turned out. I think that the pink and orange blends well together, and have a sunset effect especially when highlighter is applied to the cheekbones. If the eyebrows were blocked out, the pink that I applied on them would have been much more effective. The fact that the lipstick is matte means that it does not detract from the colours as I think that a shiny lipstick would make the face look too glossy. In addition to this, I like that the eyelashes and lips match in colour because adds colour but does not mean that too much is going on in the face. Overall I believe that this look went much better than the other.

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